Saturday, April 17, 2010

Safety In Numbers

In my efforts to build 'this little blog of mine and let it shine', I've been spending hours seeking out other CMT sufferers online in the hopes that I can use this blog as not only a therapeutic journal to express my inner feelings and thoughts, but also to create an online support community that could recognize the challenges that we CMT patients experience.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon Michele's blog and was delighted to discover that she lives right here in the tri-state area and is around my age!  Plus, Michele was planning her own surgery and was about to embark on the exact same path that I was now trekking.  We had the chance to connect on the phone last week and talked to each other for nearly two hours sharing stories back and forth about our own symptoms and challenges.  It was so great to finally find someone with whom I could connect on so many levels and who completely understood where I was coming from, instead of someone just trying his/her best to understand.

Yesterday was her surgery and I took the opportunity to visit her in the hospital this afternoon.  She was struggling with the pain, but after some adjustments, the doctor managed to make her feel more comfortable by the time I arrived.

I showed off my new foot to help give her a visual pep talk and we talked about everythng that is ahead of her in the recovery process.  We had such a great visit and I am so glad that I have made a great new friend.  Good luck Michele!


Michele said...

That's weird! I've read your whole blog but I don't remember having seen this entry before. LOL. I am so glad you found me and that I can call on you for advice or suggestions since you are ahead of me.

Looking forward to being cast buddies soon :)

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