Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty . . .

Today marked the 6 week post-op mark and I am feeling divine (well, considering the current circumstances)! My body continues to heal nicely and I am anxiously awaiting this final week before we remove the cast and I can take my first steps . . . everyone (including me) has been so consumed with the progress on my foot/ankle that I've neglected to report on the other half of my surgery--the thyroidectomy.

Well, it's gorgeous people! Gorgeously perfect! The incision is approximately 2 inches and Dr. Genden (I like to call him Michaelangelo) cut it directly along the natural crease of my neck to make it eventually fade into oblivion. It has felt a little tender to the touch over the last few weeks as it heals internally, but overall, the thyroidectomy has been an extremely easy and gentle healing process with little to no discomfort. In fact, I haven't felt better in months with more energy and the absence of that awful "swollen gland" feeling . . .


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